Monday, December 13, 2010

December in Amman

Well, I'm so behind with my blogging that I'm abandoning chronology as an organizing principle, and going for stream of consciousness. The last few days we've had very cold howling winds, bringing most of the dirt of Wadi Rum into my room - and my lungs. I snapped these shots on Saturday as I was going to the wonderful Dr Yang for my regular massage and acupuncture treatment. The sky looked like yellow fog from the dust.

Last night the rain and wind was so bad I put down the metal shutters on my window to try and keep the cold gusts out. This morning when I pulled up my shutters I saw, to my considerable delight:

View from my window

Me outside the Byzantine farmhouse across from ACOR (thank you Mr Guard for taking the photo)

Acor Terrace

This is how you write my name in Arabic

Brennan and Rose's snowman - but it has already started to go sludgy, so you can see the Rejal al-Thuraj (snow man in arabic) has lost his carrot arm.

View from the other side of ACOR, with locals playing in the snow

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