Thursday, September 9, 2010

Catching taxis

Yesterday I had a full day at the Museum and we had a staff meeting regarding the Jordan Attitudes to Archaeology Project (I'll blog on that later once I have the photos tagged with everyone's names). But I was late, because although I thought 'Amman was full of taxis, it turns out it is full of occupied taxis. I walked down to University Street, the really big road down the hill from ACOR at 8.50 (the meeting was to start at 9.45). And I stood there, with about 20 other people, waiting for an empty taxi. And waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Wishing that someone could tell me about the buses (no-one at the museum or ACOR can because they are all middle-class and drive to work). And waiting. After 20 minutes I gave up, and walked all the way up the very steep hill - who needs a gym - to the smaller road above ACOR, where after 5 minutes I got a cab. Lesson learnt, always go up. Luckily it wasn't a problem at the museum and we had a great meeting.

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